Your Dollars Help Create Compassion, Comfort, and Community

Harper’s Journey and Inspiration

In 2021, Harper faced her own battle with leukemia, becoming a source of inspiration for countless individuals. Her remarkable journey and determination to make a difference sparked the idea for something extraordinary — Harper’s Home.

Harper wanted to help other children like her, and she learned one of the greatest challenges many families face is the distance they have to travel for treatment and the cost of housing.

Harper wants to change this. With your help we can create a community and a place to stay for families with children receiving care at Duke Children’s Hospital. Today, Harper’s Home stands as a testament to the resilience of a young girl who turned her own adversity into a force for good.

Why We Exist

Harper’s Home is founded on a simple yet powerful belief: when a child is fighting a life-threatening illness, their family should be by their side without the added worry of where to stay. We understand the emotional and financial strain families face while seeking the best care for their children at Duke Children’s Hospital. Our mission is clear — to provide a warm, supportive, and affordable place for these families to call home during their child’s treatment journey.

Our Vision

8 Cozy Places to Stay

Your support fuels our vision of creating eight short-term housing units spread across five separate homes. These units will be available on a sliding scale, ensuring they are either free or available at minimal cost to the kids and families who need them most. Our goal is to offer a comforting refuge where families can focus on their child’s healing.

Better Outcomes

Staying nearby can be a matter of life and death. In critical moments, such as when children like Harper experience a neutropenic fever, every minute counts. They must reach the ER within 30 minutes to receive life-saving antibiotics during “The Golden Hour.” Failing to do so increases their risk of going into septic shock by 83% (*Gonzalez, Miriam L et al. 2019*). At Harper’s Home, we are committed to ensuring that proximity to care is never a barrier to life-saving treatment.

A Caring Community

Harper’s Home is more than just a place to stay; it’s a close-knit community filled with compassion. Here, we offer a range of free activities, emotional support, special meals, and treats for children facing life-threatening illnesses and their siblings. We understand that healing goes beyond medical treatment, and we strive to create an environment where love and support flourish.

Building Hope Together

More than half of the children undergoing extended treatment at Duke Children’s Hospital come from more than 50 miles away. The burden of distance should never stand in the way of a family’s ability to get their child the treatment they need, and to be able to stay by their side.

Our dream of creating a community of 8 housing units to keep more families together comes with an estimated cost of $983,880. With many thanks to those who have already begun to send donations, we are thrilled to be on the road to making these homes a reality. No family should ever face the heart-wrenching choice between financial ruin or life-saving treatment for their child.

Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Every penny, every act of kindness, and every moment of support counts in our mission. Together, we can transform the lives of these brave children and their families. At Harper’s Home, we believe that compassion and comfort go hand in hand on the journey toward healing.

Thank you for being a vital part of our journey.